
Load configured Python functions for later use elsewhere.

The manager is configured with modules to use and it loads all the functions defined in each module’s __all__. This ensures that users cannot specify arbitrary paths in runtime configuration which may lead to undesired or insecure behaviour.

The modules that functions are loaded from are given shorthand names to ease referring to them elsewhere, for example habitat.sensors.stdtelem.time() might become stdtelem.time. The shorthand is specified in the configuration document.


loadable_manager reads its configuration data from the config argument to LoadableManager.__init__, which is typically parsed from the configuration YAML file in the following format:

    - name: "sensors.base"
      class: "habitat.sensors.base"
    - name: "filters.common"
      class: "habitat.filters"

name specifies the shorthand name that the module will be available under; it should begin either sensors or filters for use by the respective parts of habitat, which prepend the relevant prefix themselves.

For example, to use the filter habitat.filters.semicolons_to_commas() in a flight document, having configured as above, you would specify:

"filters": {
    "intermediate": {
                "type": "normal",
                "filter": "common.semicolons_to_commas"

Sensor Functions

One of the major uses of loadable_manager (and historically its only use) is sensor functions, used by parser modules to convert input data into usable Python data formats. See habitat.sensors for some sensors included with habitat, but you may also want to write your own for a specific type of data.

A sensor function may two one or two arguments, config and data or just data. It can return any Python object which can be stored in the CouchDB database.

config is a dict of options. It is passed to the function from LoadableManager.run()

data is the string to parse.

Filter Functions

Another use for the loadable_manager is filters that are applied against incoming telemetry strings. Which filters to use is specified in a payload’s flight document, either as user-specified (but signed) hotfix code or a loadable function name, as with sensors.

See habitat.filters for some filters included with habitat.

Filters can take one or two arguments, config, data or just data. They should return a suitably modified form of data, optionally using anything from config which was specified by the user in the flight document.


LoadableManager(config) The main Loadable Manager class.
class habitat.loadable_manager.LoadableManager(config)[source]

The main Loadable Manager class.

On construction, all modules listed in config[“loadables”] will be loaded using load().

load(module, shorthand)[source]

Loads module as a library and assigns it to shorthand.

run(name, config, data)[source]

Run the loadable specified by name, giving it config and data.

If the loadable only takes one argument, it will only be given data. config is ignored in this case.

Returns the result of running the loadable.